Our Founding Board Members
Seth Snyder
As an educator and the “paper doctor, PhD” half of our double-doctor duo, I have always been in awe of health care professionals who give so much love to their families, and still have plenty left for their patients. Tragically, all the love in the world can’t protect all our caregivers from mental health and physical health struggles. When Radhika died due to an acute postpartum psychosis crisis, our newly expanded family lost not just a partner and mommy, but also our bearings. I’m motivated every day by the mission of the Dr. Mom Foundation - to improve the lives of our caregivers who are often asked to do too much. All families deserve to thrive, and I want to help other medical families and communities prevent the grieving we’ve learned to live with in Radhika’s absence.
Rachel Wenner Ruzanic MD
Full-time momma of four and part-time Dermatologist in central Minnesota, the third of four physician siblings, I have a passion for helping support others who also choose Motherhood and Medicine. I know the stressors of this combination all too well. My youngest sister, Gretchen, whose light shown brightly while on this Earth as a mother of 3 and a Faculty Radiologist at a renown Level 1 Trauma Center teaching hospital; Gretchen’s light burned out too soon as she tragically took her life in 2021, tearing open a deep, painful vulnerability within me. We all need to give ourselves the same compassion and love that we give our family, friends, and patients. My hope on the Board is to help navigate the journey of Dr. Mama-ship, while providing support, resources, empathy and compassion.